Anzac Teddy Bears

First we read the Anzac Ted book. Before we started making our Ted, we needed to plan it. After that, we brought our materials to school, so we could start making it. This is my Anzac teddy bear. I worked with Nate, Ben, Cairo and James.  We used fabric and cardboard. First we cut out the fabric, then we stuffed the stuffing inside, and while that happened, me and Cairo did the swords and made the belt. I brought some sparkly pens in for our eye scar. James brought our fabric. Also Mrs Tucker brought the stuffing. Then we just used the school materials. P.S. His name is Zoro. I really enjoyed creating the Anzac Ted because it was fun.


Anzac Animals

Do you know that mules were used in wars?  We had to do a research task about one kind of animal which was useful during war. They were used to do a lot of things, but l will save all the talking for this page.

Cook off

On Tuesday at the start of term one we had a cook off to see our teamwork. l was making pasta and meatballs with my friends, Odin, Max and Tyler. We had a great time doing it.

Athletics 2024

This year we did athletics. There were Shotput, Long jump, High jump, Vortex and 60 m, 100 m and 200 m Sprints. I did long jump and all the sprints. It was being held in Northland college. There was a coffee cart that was selling milkshakes, tea and heaps of other stuff.





Terrance Farms

This year we went to farms to judge the condition of the rivers there. We went to Terrance farms and at first by judging it my group thought it would be poor, but it turned out to be okay when we investigated it. First my group went to Sammy where we looked at the habit. Second we went to Tracey where we looked at fish. Third and lastly we went Pricey where we looked at how clear the water was, and it was pretty good, and after that we went to Nick where we looked at the insects.


Today a professional cricket guy named James came to our school and played cricket with us. My buddies were: Ben, Dimitri and Me! First, what we did was a game called Snowball, which was a game where James chucked a cricket ball in the air, and whoever caught it had to tag someone with a ball. They were not allowed to throw the ball because that would hurt. The game was a free for all game, so l didn’t have my buddies then. We did three or four games of it which was sad, because it was really fun! After that we did some passing, hitting and running around. Lastly, we did a game of speed cricket. It was kind of like a real game of cricket but super quick. It was really fun! The Northland Cricket values are; Honesty, Teamwork and Support.